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U.S. museums, working openly to resolve the status of objects in their custody.


Search Results

The following objects match your search criteria. You may wish to print this page for reference before continuing your search. For help interpreting these results, see About Your Search Results.

Results 1 - 5 of 80.

Name of Artist/Maker:Andriesz., Hendrick
Nationality of Artist/Maker:Netherlands
Place or Culture of Object:Netherlands
Object Title:Vanitas still-life
Object Type:Painting
Description:Flemish; oil on canvas
Museum Name:Mount Holyoke College Art Museum MORE INFORMATION

Name of Artist/Maker:anonymous
Nationality of Artist/Maker:Germany
Place or Culture of Object:Germany
Object Title:Annunciation; Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
Object Type:Painting
Description:South German (possibly Swabian School); Tempera on gesso panel
Museum Name:Mount Holyoke College Art Museum MORE INFORMATION

Name of Artist/Maker:anonymous
Nationality of Artist/Maker:France
Place or Culture of Object:France
Object Title:Battle scene
Object Type:Painting
Description:Oil on canvas
Museum Name:Mount Holyoke College Art Museum MORE INFORMATION

Name of Artist/Maker:anonymous
Nationality of Artist/Maker:Italy
Place or Culture of Object:Italy
Object Title:Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
Object Type:Painting
Description:Oil on copper
Museum Name:Mount Holyoke College Art Museum MORE INFORMATION

Name of Artist/Maker:anonymous
Nationality of Artist/Maker:Greece
Place or Culture of Object:Greece
Object Title:Deesis (Virgin Mary and Saint John with Christ)
Object Type:Painting
Description:Byzantine; tempera and gold on panel
Museum Name:Mount Holyoke College Art Museum MORE INFORMATION

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